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BA in Psychology with a concentration of mental health and a minor in criminal justice.

Week One: Reflection 1
Wednesday, October 2nd.
I started my online classes on eyelash extensions about a week ago. I am doing the beginner course and since I am bilingual, I decided to do the classes in Portuguese because they were much cheaper than American classes around my area. The first thing I learned about eyelash extension is that your natural eyelashes fall off every 45-60 days and new ones will grow to replace the ones lost. I still have not learned anything about the materials I will need.


1 min read

The hardest part about posting a page on my website was going through the lessons and deciding what I wanted my website to look like and how I was going to showcase my vision. At times, the lessons were very confusing and I found that quite a few had missing steps, and I had to go back and forth in between lessons in order for my website to work. The wrapper gave me a lot of troubles because it doesn't really work well if you want to post multiple pictures of one thing. I am quite happy that I was able to complete the page and create a link and navigation for it but there are a lot of things that I am very confused and quite frankly not sure if it even makes a difference when the overall project comes together. I skipped a few steps because I personally did not want a footer when I already had a header, and I did not want to hyperlink everything.


1 min read


I decided to do my timeline on the history of one of the worst American serial killers arrested because it related directly with my future job occupation/ career. 

As a learner my identity deviates a lot. There are days that I have a positive view on learning and there are others that I dread opening a book. It is extremely difficult to keep a good balance and push myself to my limits when it comes to learning. As learners we all have a specific type of environment that allows us to grasp the information easier, mine for example is fast paced, straight forward, individual activities. I find it that when I have to do something with a group or when an assignment confuses me, I have a negative view on learning and do not want to do it, to the point of procrastination/waiting until last minute. However, when I do enjoy the activity and I am able to think and be creative on my own, learning becomes easy and enjoyable. I believe that the identity of a learner depends on the accommodations that are made in order to optimize their learning. We have seen in multiple movies and cases that when a “bad student” is paired with a good caring teacher and a learning strategy they are able to succeed and have a better identity as a learner.


2 min read

We are all cyborgs:

-The traditional definition of cyborg is “an organism to which exogenous components have been added for the purpose of adapting to new environments”. It was first published in 1960 paper on space travel. 

-Technology is an extension of our mental self and because of that we are able to travel faster, communicate differently.

-“Mary Poppins” technology: you can put anything on it, doesn’t get heavier and when you don’t need it anymore you just take it out. 

-Cellphones are mental warm wholes: you can click on anything and be from A to B instantly. 

-Amber Case is worried about people not taking time for mental reflection anymore. Addicting culture of instant gratification. 

Big Mother is Watching You:

-She tracks her sleep using an app called Sleep Cycle.

-She does not have any children and she is a journalist.

-She cheats the app by not checking in the nights that she stays up and out, because they mess with her stats. 

-She had used the app for three years when she found out that apps that use motion to track sleep are extremely imprecise. 

-They are creating new devices to dig deeper into the health world. They want to use these devices to transform information into something individuals can use to prevent further health problems.  

-People are scared that this data which is being collected by the devices is being sold or used for a different motive presented.