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As a learner my identity deviates a lot. There are days that I have a positive view on learning and there are others that I dread opening a book. It is extremely difficult to keep a good balance and push myself to my limits when it comes to learning. As learners we all have a specific type of environment that allows us to grasp the information easier, mine for example is fast paced, straight forward, individual activities. I find it that when I have to do something with a group or when an assignment confuses me, I have a negative view on learning and do not want to do it, to the point of procrastination/waiting until last minute. However, when I do enjoy the activity and I am able to think and be creative on my own, learning becomes easy and enjoyable. I believe that the identity of a learner depends on the accommodations that are made in order to optimize their learning. We have seen in multiple movies and cases that when a “bad student” is paired with a good caring teacher and a learning strategy they are able to succeed and have a better identity as a learner.