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Do Something

Goal: As your culuminary project in this class you will need to document your journey as you do something to improve yourself or the world while specializing in new media of web development video, photography or audio.


  • Perform an Ignite Talk describing your topic
  • Create a survey and conduct data collection
  • Analyze data and suggest conclusions from descriptive statistics
  • Create a multimodal presentation
  • Curate and share your weekly learning materials and reflections
  • Reflect on your Learning Journey

Technology Fluency LEP Objectives

Perform the following at the Advanced level.

  • Students will be able to engage in electronic collaboration
  • Students will be able to use and create structured electronic documents
  • C.Students will be able to do technology-enhanced presentations
  • Students will be able to use spreadsheets to manage information
  • Students will be able to use graphical and multimedia technologies.


Step One: Choose a project

First yiou must choose if you will choose to better yourself or better the world


Ideas for bettering the world include:

  • Volunteer at a local literacy center
  • Set up a local food drive
  • Plan a fundraiser
  • Plan an informational event
  • Get involved in a national or international organization

Ideas for bettering yourself

  • Digital Detox-Limit or remove social media for X amount of time
  • Quantified Self-Choose some element of your life and collect data, then make changes
  • Learn Something-Do you want to dive deeper into some ideas

Step Two: Choose a Pathway

  • Web Development-Your final portfolio will be on your Glitch website that you turn into a blog and have a portfolio page
  • Videoographer-Using a video editing software of your choice make a video or servies of videos about your project
  • Photography-Using photo editing software of your choice publish a series of photos, with 3-4 photos requiring editing, documenting your project
  • Audio-Using audio recording/editing software of your choice record and edit at least three podcast episodes


  • TBD


The Readings

Rhizomatic Learning

David Cormier . Rhizomatic Education : Community as Curriculum. Blog Post


Colin Mathews . Unwelcome Innovation. Institute of Higher Education Essay

Affinity Spaces

James Paul Gee . When Learning and Assessing Diverge: Who and What Are We Assessing . Title Unknown PDF

Respond to the readings either each or all in any way you want.

The Writing

Each Week you are responsible to publish four blog posts. Two must be about your project. Two can be on anything you want (yes you can double dip and make free blog posts about the readings

The Performance Task

On December 11th you will do a live demo and discuss your project in class. You will then complete a self assessment of your tech fluency skills and we will confer to assign a letter grade to your progress.