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2 min read

Everyone, at every age, uses social media to show their audience something they think they'd like. A lot of people post what they think will get the most likes. This can lead to a false online persona that doesn't quite line up with who the real person is. The teenager applying to the Ivy League posted what he felt he needed to keep up with his peers and to be a valid member of the group. A sense of belonging is something that Boyd points out is very important for young people. My Instagram has evolved with how I view others and what I think about what they think about me. I used to post things with the goal of getting likes so I would try to post the best pictures. Now, I don't really care who likes or sees it because I'm more confident and sure of myself as a person. I know that I have people around me that care about me no matter what. I've never posted anything that shouldn't be on the Internet because I was taught from the start that anything I post will be on there forever even if I delete it I never worried about what colleges/employers would see. 

I agree with Dewey in that learning should be more collaborative and experience based. I know in school, the class overall would learn better when the teacher put us all in a roleplay scenario because it would make the lesson more personal. Of course, there were some students who would prefer to learn from the book, but for the most part, students learned better the other way. Building a sense of community in the classroom by making students collaborate also makes for better life skills like communication and problem solving which are things that can't be learned from reading a book. You could know a lot about something, but if you're not able to communicate that or if you're difficult to get along with, your knowledge won't be as important to them. However, if you don't know everything at a job but are able to ask questions and get along with most people, the people around you will be more willing to work with you in the future because they know how you think and are able to have fun along the way.