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How reflection drives learning in a connected space

2 min read

Reflection helps learning in a connected space in many ways. A connected space brings people and their ideas together. It builds relationships between people through shared interests. Reflection helps people  look back and find solutions to their questions, so if you are in a connected space that will help others who share the same questions. While working with others you obtain new information and opportunites. If you were to reflect on this you could build on what you already know. A connected space requires everyone to contribute. If they aren't reflecting on their own questions and or knowledge it is hard to fuel discussion. Reflection can influence people to evalutate their choices. It makes you think about why you did what you did, what was happening in a learning environment, and helps you develop questions about activites and practices. Reflection also helps learning in a connected space because it helps you evaluate people's behaviors. The way people say and do things can be a result of many things like their friends/family, living situation, background, and jobs. It's important to know why people do what they do so you can better understand them. It helps you make stronger connections with people when you find out more about them and their interests. Take a class for example, teachers have students reflect on their previous work so they can improve on their next assignments. Some teachers even have students reflect on their lives so they can write about topics they actually relate to.