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"We Are All Cyborgs Now" - Notes

1 min read

- Claims we are "cyborgs" because we spend a lot of time looking at our computers/phones

- Compares the concept of traditional anthropology to "cyborg" anthropology

- We've found a "new species": new form of Homo Sapiens in which our "cultures and curios rituals" include "clicking on things and staring at screens"

- Tool use: physical modification of self for thousands of years which has a limit, now there's an extension of the mental self 

- We have a "second self" (an online persona) that we now have to maintain 

- We have to present ourselves in digital life the same way we present ourselves in our "analog" life

- Now, young adults have to go through two adolescences - one in real life, and one that's even more awkward online

- Technology doesnt get adopted because it works, it gets adopted because people use it 

- When she was writing her thesis on cell phones, she found that everyone is carrying around wormholes in their pockets: someone could whisper something on one side of the world and it can be heard on the other side because of this technology, thus forming a wormhole