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A persons identity comes from their environment. The way people interact with everyone around them where they are raised molds what kind of person they will become. People can have more than one identity. This happens when they change their environment and who they are around.

We Are All Cyborgs Now

1 min read

Within the TED Talk it is explained how humans have been changed by the use of modern technology. Humans are surrounded by screens that we use to interact with one another. This modern tech is just a tool that has helped advance humans. We can now interact with people around the world, dicover a large amount of information, and create an online persona for ourselves. I took this information as a positive humans have created technology that can help them in an almost endless amount of ways.

What Are Selfies?

1 min read

A selfie is when an individual takes a photo of themselves. We take them because we want to get the best view of ourselves and the easiest way to do so is to take the photo for yourself.