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Blog Post

1 min read

I am so excited to share my teach something with you guys, and to see what everyone else decided to teach. Especially during these times, finding a new hobby and learning something new is such a great thing and it keeps me busy. So I am excited to find something new to learn and try out while stuck at home.

Blog Post

1 min read

My teach something as been going really well it has been harder to obtain baking supplies during this time so I haven't been baking a lot. So far I finished my podcast and my ignite talk, all I have left to do is create my survey and I am excited to share it with you guys. With the items I have at my house I am coming up with knew recipes to create and having my family taste them.

Teaching Blog

1 min read

My teach something is going very well, Currently I am working on my tumblr page and customizing it. I wrote my script for my podcast, and all I have left is to record it. I have to start working on my outline of my ignite talk.  I am gonna start out by telling everyone what items are essential for low carb baking and then talk about substitutions.

Good Teaching

1 min read

I think good teaching is when the person you are teaching is able to understand what you are talking about and if they get confused they are comfortable enough to ask a question. Planning out what your gonna say and teach is what goes into a good lesson. Making sure that whatever you decide to teach to someone, you know information about as well. Being well informed in the topic, because if you have confidence and your listeners see that you are confident and know what you are talking about they will feel more comfortable listening and learning from you. Once you set up a lesson plan making sure it is the simple version, because just because you may know how to do something easily doesn't mean the person you are teaching is gonna catch on quickly. Lastly I think being patient and taking your time explaining things not rushing anything because then you will just confuse yourself and others.


1 min read

I have decided I am going to teach the class how to do low carb or no carb baking. Telling you guys what items you will need and the substitutions that you can make to still have a tasty dessert. I am going to make a tumblr page on my baking progress as well as a podcast to tell you guys step by step what you need and go over some recipies with you guys.

Blog post

1 min read

I've decided to teach a baking skill to everyone, since the whole quarantine all I have been doing is baking. So I thought what a perfect thing to teach everyone, instead of regular baking I am gonna teach everyone the steps and substitutions for low carb or carb free baking. For anyone who is on a diet and wants something sweet, or for someone who doesn't want all that sugar, it's the perfect solution and its really easy.

Blog post

1 min read

I learned how to change a tire after a couple weeks of practicing constantly, and getting lessons from my dad. I can say now that I successfully learned how to change a tire, and I am now thinking about what I am gonna teach to the class. I know I will definitely teach the class how to do something through a podcast.