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Week 2 - The Quantified Self

1 min read

My quantified self mainly consists of how i manage my time. I set aside time for my hw & an estimation of when I should be finished. I also make sure I give myself as much free time as possible to relax & not be stressed. If I’m hanging out with friends, I track my time by how long I’m out & when I should be home. Overall, time management is everything and it’s something I like to keep track of during my everyday life. I also keep track of how many chapters/pages I read whenever I'm at work, setting aside a goal to reach each time i read. I keep track of how many episodes I wanna finish within a day/week if I'm binge watching a show. While i drive, i like to keep track of how many songs are playing or how much gas I'm using. I don’t necessarily keep track of my followers, but I do like to track who likes my pictures.