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I am a Junior at Southern Connecticut State University, and am majoring in Psychology. I am on an Occupational Therapy track, and hope to work with children with disabilities in the near future.

Backstage Post

1 min read

For my selfie project, I chose to make a collage of motivational quotes that I like. I titled it, "Words to live by". I used microsoft word to make my collage. I chose the quotes that I found most meaningful.

Learner Identity

1 min read

My learner identity differentiates a lot depending on the subject I am learning, as well as the day. Certain days I am excited to learn, and motivate myself to think that my future depends on my current learning. If I have a bad day, it is tough to think about the future because I am too caught up in the present. Personally, I believe a lot of my motivation comes from if I am interested in the topic or not. The subjects I am weak in make it tough for me to be a good and conscientious worker because when I don't understand something I find myself less motivated. In the past, I've found that if I put aside time and make myself learn little by little the subjects I struggle with I benefit more in the long run. Overall, I believe that when I shift the focus on my future career I become a better and more motivated learner. 

Notes (Week 2)

2 min read

“Big Mother is Watching You”

·     First thing she does every morning is check her phone

·     Her sleeping stats are tracked with an app called “Sleep Cycle”

·     Mid-thirties, childless journalist

·     Excited when she gets over 8 hrs of sleep

·     Sleep quality percentage is extremely important to her

·     Uses sleeping percentage in sense of a letter grade

·     Lives her life by stats

·     Wants to present herself to others in a particular way

·     “Actionless sleep and good sleep are not the same thing.”

·     “By 2018, there will be 60 million fitness trackers in use worldwide.”

·     Internet takes existing information and organizes it to make is both accessible and acceptable

·     The future will most likely consist of new data in which new employers will create easier ways for us to track data, whether we like it or not (example: new apple watches and fitbits)


“We are all cyborgs now”

·     Amber Case claims, “Technology is evolving us.”

·     As a whole, we rely on “external brains” (AKA technology) to communicate

·     Cyborg- “an organism to which exogenous components have been added for the purpose of adapting to a new environment”

·     People get used to technology, which is why there is always interest in new technology

·     Children are brought up around technology to the point where they won’t be able to reflect on themselves mentally because their whole lives revolve around technology

·     Ultimately, communication isn’t being done face to face anymore

·     Considers how our values and culture are being shaped by living lives by high technology