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Learning Update

1 min read

I've conitued reading my sources and thinking of more and more backstories, histories, heros, villians, etc for my world to make it very action packed and exciting to be in. But sometimes I think I'm over doing it and should maybe calm down. Making charcther sheets for alot of the NPCs is a pain since the majority will never show up again after a 20 minute exchange. So all the writing and creation go not to total waste, but left behind. I've learned a lot from the books about certain monsters and possible origins on how they would come to be in this wolrd. Humaniod spider monsters, moaning flying manta rays that rip your will apart, a normal looking door that when touched reveal rows of sharp teeth that rip you apart and melt you with acid. There are many terrifying monsters in this world, and those three are nothing compared to the "big bads" that sit dormant throughout the land.