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Latin Update 1

2 min read

I started by watching a few Youtube videos to get some sort of foundation going. Some of them gave me a bird's eye view of sorts into the language as well as why it was important to learn Latin. Since, it's a dead language, I'm not going to put a huge emphasis on learning how to listen to or speak it. Mostly reading/writing. However, if I still like it by the end, I might continue learning it outside of this class. 

I'm using a beginner's Latin textbook I found a free pdf of online. It's so helpful and I'm getting a fairly good grasp on the verbs and sentence structure so far since I'm familiar with Spanish as well. Also, English has some Latin roots which also helps. I anticipate a little more trouble with the noun declensions since neither English nor Spanish does this. The changing of a noun depending on what part of the sentence it is is a lot to think about along with how to conjugate the verbs. I can see why many Romance languages have moved away from noun declesions. 

By the weekend, I want to be able to know about half of the noun cases so we'll see what happens there! 

Below is a full list of noun declensions. Tough stuff (for me at least), but language fascinates me so this will be a fun challenge.