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Graphic Organizer (D&D Case Study)

2 min read


Connected Learning

Description of Learning Space

Any additional research that supports your claims

Interest powered

The person conducting the study thoroughly enjoys D&D which encourages her to make progress.


Production centered

By playing the game and creating her character (DIFFERENT CLASSES MATTER IN THIS. EX: A wizard might have more things to write down on their sheet than a Fighter or a Barbarian.


Peer supported

Her results and methods could not be tested if she can’t play the game. So the DM would run a session where she can gather data.


Shared purpose

The researcher not only conducted a case study on what would be a more effective way to make her character sheet less cluttered but designed an app for anyone to use.


Academically oriented

A more organized character sheet may not aid the player in learning the game any better. It could yield advancements in the individual's organization skills and with a more clean sheet, they can easily look over all their powers, feats, abilities, etc


Openly networked

The app is available to anyone who wishes to use it and the researcher has even let it be known on her site where the case study was posted, that if anyone would like to contact her in regards to the app, D&D, or about the case study itself are more than welcome to.