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Blog Post

2 min read

Aside from all my work on building my campaign, things have been very boring and uninteresting. Days go by and as each day passes, I just wonder when this outbreak will be over. I know it won't be soon, but I guess I'm just hoping for an impossible miracle. It sucks as since I'm not physically at Southern, I'm prone more to forgetting my current assignments and how I should be doing them. This outbreak is seriously not doing me or anyone any favors. But hey, at least this outbreak is giving me a 20% discount on a game I've been waiting 8 years for. In 5 hours, I'll finally be able to play Mount&Blade Warband 2: Bannerlord. So I guess there is a positive. That's all you can do when struck with tragedy, look for something mundane as a game to look at and smile about. I know too much about tragedy which is why I prefer to stay as positive as I can no matter what, but honestly... It's been getting harder and harder. I wonder when I can start being truly happy again. Maybe a year? 2 years? Or maybe it's just not feasible. Regardless, as long as I exist in this world, I'll keep going on until the end.