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Born and raised in Queens, NY
Majoring in Healthcare Studies

Week 1- Define Good Teaching

1 min read

In my opinion good teaching is when a teacher teaches their classes with excitement and tries to make it interesting. Good teaching isn't when they just hand out a bunch of work without giving a thorough explanation of the material. I think when a teacher takes theur time and doesn't go from topic to topic then they have conducted a good lesson.

Week 1- Explain What You're Going To Teach

1 min read

In Module 2 I learned how to install tweaked apps onto your phone and now that I tested it and I know it works I'm going to teach others how to install it. In order to teach the lesson I'm going to screen record a video on my phone explaining how to do it.

Week 2- Connected Learning Outline

1 min read

Connected learning is when a person takes their personal interest and turns it into an acedemic way of learning. In the article it explains how when you take what you love and make it into your career you will have a more enjoyable experience. Connected learning is being advertised in anyway possible and they try to start you off young so you're already have the expericene. Teachers use organizations in formal and informal environments and social media is also used to try and grab kids attention. Clubs use techonology to draw in new comers and ads can be placed anywhere that can attract you to a connected learning space. 

I'm still working on my essay for Module 2.

Week 3 Leaner Identity

1 min read

When it comes to my identity as a learner, I feel it can vary on my setting (where I'm learning at) and how I feel that day. If I'm around my friends or somewhere where people are loud and causing a distractions I may get easily distracted and not be able to focus. When I'm learning in school or other places I like it to be quiet with everyone focused trying to grasp the concept of the material like me. In my home I learn better by sitting in my room, by myself, with music playing because no one is around to talk to. On my bad or sick days it's harder for me to learn because I'm not into it how I should be. My learning identity has it's pros and cons but when it comes to important things like my future and career I can always shift my focus.

Week 2 Quantified Self

1 min read

My quantified self consists of me mainly sleeping and eating. I sleep the most on weekends and during the week I take after school naps. I also love food and eat the most when I'm with my boyfriend, whether it's homecooked or takeout. When I'm sitting in my room alone I enjoy watching Martin or comical movies. On my free time I get on Snapchat and scroll through Instagram and Facebook but I'm not big on keeping up with followers and likes/views. My favorite kind of music to listen to is hip-hop and rap and three artist's music I keep track of is Nicki Minaj, A Boogie and PNB Rock.


1 min read

Here is the link to my timeline